Detective Comics #855
Batwoman kicks ass. I'm just loving her taking over Detective Comics. She is still new to this crime fighting game and her over confidence get the best of her in this issue as Alice, Batwoman strange new foe, is underestimated. This chick is creepy...as creepy as the Joker and just as vicious. The cool thing is that Batwoman's setup, her situation if you will, mirrors Batman's as she has an Alfred to come and find when she has gotten in over her head. Now, whether this Alfred is actually her father, which he seems to be, is not yet revealed. But if the teasers for next issue can be believed, we do get a glimpse into Batwoman's past.
[10 of 10]
Wonder Woman #34
Cool Beans, Wonder Woman is back where I like her. I love Gail Simone but all that Greek mythology crap tends to put me in a light doze. Here Wonder Woman asks for help from Black Canary (who has been on the outs because of all that Justice League crap), and fly off to Japan because Genocide is still alive. I had hopes that we might see the Super Young Team make an appearance, but alas, that does not happen. But even so, this was a good read. Funny and dramatic and doing for Wonder Woman what needs to be done...making her a bad ass.
[8 of 10]
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #3 of 3
OK, this would have been better if DC hadn't pulled a Marvel on us and put a reprint of Blackest Night #0 in the back. I'm willing to forgive this though, since Blackest Night as been so awesome so far. By far the best part of this book was the Kilowog's back story. Though I don't see how this fits into the Blackest Night, it was fun, and I have a feeling that something very bad is coming Kilowog's way. All in all, you really don't need this short little series to enjoy Blackest Night, but as a Major Lantern fan, it is a must.
[6 of 10]
What can I say? Neither Superman nor Mon-El were in this issue. It was mostly just an attempt to clear up some story lines. One of those did address something that was bugging me. Why haven't Mon-El and Sodem Yat met yet? They are both Daxamites and have the same power as Kryptonians. Well, in this issue is the answer. But it still doesn't make it worth read...unless you're an Iron Works fan.
[5 of 10]
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