Well, who knew we would come this far? Doctor Who has lasted for 6 (5 1\2) seasons and is still going strong. It has managed to revive and re imagine the DW mythology for a whole new generations while keeping the heart and soul of DW alive and well.

Who Knew I would really start liking Amy Pond a lot more with Rory around?
It's easy for forget how things would change when a new producer would take over in the original DW. The fresh take is always strange at first, but if you stick around for long enough it's amazing to see how someone else can bring a new vision to a old story. It is what has made DW special all these years...and through the years to come.
The Doctor has never been one to shy away from social issues and this series is no exceptions. Like Star Trek, DW takes on issues that have been explored only in sci-fi literature but becomes all the more important as reality grows closer to fiction.
There is no loss in the sense of fun and all the previous DW is not forgotten which adds to the wonderful and mysterious mythos of the Doctor.
We finally get to find out the secret of "WHO" River Song is and boy is it a doozie!! Knowing who River is now, makes her less annoying to me.
I like Mat Smith, he makes the Doctor into a crazy lunatic, a side of the Doctor we really haven't seen much of since the Colin Baker / Sylvester McCoy days.
Great new villains this season, right up there with the weeping angels.
Though this is not easy to do, I have big expectations as to where Doctor Who is headed. I sense a grand design in the works here that could take the Doctor to places he's never gone before.
Though I must say some of the story lines wiz by so fast it's hard to be sure just what the hell is happening. But than, that makes re watching the shows all the more fun.
All I can really say is that I can't wait for PART II of series Six!!!
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