Chew #2
Ewwww. What a nasty concept for such a fun book. But then that's the way with most indie book, now isn't it? Now, this book must be good as the 1st issue has sold out and is going for nearly $40 on Ebay. It is interesting and keeps you wanting to know what is going to happen next, but all in all I just don't see what's so special about it. Maybe it's just me. I'm not all about the gross out. (My god that was an awfully 80's thing to say.) I'll keep reading for now, but I'm hoping for something awesome to come of it...soon.
[6 of 10]

The Unwritten #3
Now, in my world this book is far more Worthy of praise. In this issue I don't have a clue as to what is going on and I'm loving it. There is something very strange about the world of Unwritten even as it feels like it is very much like our own. There is anticipation with each issue that something big is going to be revealed that will change the whole nature of the Unwritten universe and give us a peak into a strange and wonderful place. Now most times I would be jumping up and down wanting to know this secret, but I'm not. I want it to come to me slowly...and it is. There is the potential here for this to turn out to be a Golden Classic, or an Epic Failure. I have faith in the former.
[10 of 10]

Farscape: Strange Detractors #4
I am so loving these Farscape books even though this was the weakest issue of the lot. the art was just bad and the writing and story ending bordered on the ridiculous. In this issue Criton super sizes some of the single celled anti-viruses to battle the evil viruses...Yeah it is pretty lame. But you can't win them all and the first three issues were actually pretty good. Too bad it had to end this way. But all in all I love these character and can't wait for more!
[3 of 10]
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