Nova #26
Nova's got his groove back. This issue is why I love this character. He shows a confidence and strength of will that has developed over time. He is steadily becoming everthing that Hal Gordan is to the Green Lanterns. But unlike Hal, Richard Rider is earning his place as one of the greatest heroes in comic history. A must...
[10 of 10]

Guardians of the Galaxy #15
Oh Cosmo, who knew a dog with a bad Russian accent could become such a powerful part of the Guardians. This book has a charm that goes beyond the page; you don't just root for the heroes, you LOVE them. You would think the joke of "I am Groot!" would get old after awhile, but I laugh every time.
[10 of 10]

Though I spoiled it before, this is the issue when we finally get to see Shatterstar and Rictor get it on...or...at least kiss. The funny thing is that I don't even care about the story here. I really couldn't tell you what is going on with Jamie and Layla, but I love them...even if their relationship is kind of creepy. I want to know the real history between Shatterstar and Rictor. Cortex, shamoortex. The one problem that I did have...Dr. Doom should never need a bib.
[9 of 10]

Ok, been here, done that. I'm surprised I like this as much as I did. But please can we get over the mutant hate as an excuse to push another story along that has nothing to really do with the X-Men? I'm not a hater, I love comics but with the talent out there right now perhaps a different direction could have been taken. Still a good read and a book with a page count worth Marvels $3.99.
[7 of 10]

The more things change... God, I love the art in this book. I've heard a lot of people put it down, but I love it. It's good to have X-Force leaving the Messiah story line for now. Really the book doesn't fit into the X-Universe like it should and that might be because it's better then most of the other X books. Well, I'm looking forward to more.
[8 of 10]
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