Green Lantern #43
At last we finally get a glimpse into the world of the Black Lanterns. Though not a lot happens here we do find out just dark the Blackest Night is going to be as the Black Hand becomes the embodiment of the Black Corps. This may be a first as well in that a Green Lantern doesn't appear in the book except in flash backs. I'm all giddy to find out what happens next. This was great, if somewhat slow start to one of the most anticipated events in recent comic history.
[9 of 10]

Superman: World of New Krypton #5
I liked this, because it was what Superman is all about. He is a hero who will not be turned even in the face of his death. It is inspiring enough to affect Zod...ZOD! and is believable. I'm really liking this story and hope that there are some great surprise yet in store.
[8 of 10]

Batman #688
Dick. Dick Dick Dick. That's what this issue is all about...Dick! Dick trying to be sure of himself. Dick trying to fill the shoes of Bruce. Dick trying to instruct Damian in the ways of the Force...Bat force that is. It's good, but nothing really happens. We get to see the Penguin and Two Face. And from the 1st page we know that Dick gets the shit kicked out of him at some point. I'm still looking forward to what going to happen.
[7 of 10]
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