Saturday, September 26, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
OLD NEWS: Terminating the Dollhouse

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Well, Peter David has kept his promise of surprise twists at the end of each issue of X-Factor. In this issue we find out the identity of Cortex, I for one did not see it coming and it wraps up a loose story thread from last year that has been bugging fans of this book. Now, a whole new story line is about to open up, I just feel it and I am really looking forward to it. My one complaint about this issues is silly. On the cover Jamie has the hot full beard, but inside he is clean shaven (having shaved in a previous issue). I like sexy hot bearded Jamie Madrox. I don't care what the pod casts say about this book, I still like it and am looking forward to where the story is going. So there!

Wow, wow, WOW! What a way to throw a curve ball. For months now we have known that the Earth 2 Superman would be returning in Blackest Night and at the time I figured that knowing that would be a bit of a let down when it actually came around in the story. Boy was I thrown off track with this one because the big reveal was not the return of E2 Superman, but of someone else I hadn't even thought about. I'm not going to spoil it here because it is too good. I will say, however, that having read Infinite Crisis will make the impact all the more stunning! I hadn't had too high of hopes for this title, but now I can't wait for more.
[10 of 10]

Hee Hee...I must admit I really don't have much of a clue as to what is going on in this comic, but I just love these character. What's not to love about heroes called names like Most Excellent Superbat and Shiny Happy Aquazon? Any way they seem to need to get their group back together to battle some force in Japan...Yeah...ok. Just read it and enjoy.
[8 of 10]

Poor Supergirl, she just doesn't get a break. Even Lois Lane gives her the stink eye (of course Kara did accidental kill Lois's evil sister). This issue had more to do with the current story line running through the superbooks. It's basically a stepping stone to help move the story along and nothing too important happens until the end. I must say, it doesn't look good right not for the Kryptonians...not with General Lane plotting against them. I'm looking forward to seeing what will happen with this story.
[7 of 10]

I don't know much about Batgirl of late. I did think it was to be a big secret about her identity for next couple of months, but alas her true identity was revealed at the beginning of the issue. Then she goes home and to school and then goes out and fights some crime. Meh...it was OK, but not up the standards of the other Batbooks right now. I'll keep following for the time being to see if it improves.
[5 of 10]
Friday, August 21, 2009
HAYWIRE: Wonder Woman

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Yea! Carol Danvers is back! And so is Ms. Marvel! Yea!...err...what? Aren't they one in the same? What is going on here in this NOT so original but FUN plot twist? I don't know because the book was not ready to give that goodie bit O' information up just yet. But, you got to love the Ms. Marvel book these days. Moonstone (posing as Ms. Marvel) is such a bitch and I love her. She wants to be a good person. She even says so as she picks up a random passerby and drops him from several stories to his doom. And then there is Ms. Marvel (the real one) about to break Spider-Man's neck because he not fighting like a warrior. And then you have Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers who's not Ms. Marvel) fighting to keep her pussy off her computer. CONFUSED MUCH? But you got to love it. This is what comics should be. Chaos. Confusion. And bitchy women beating the shit out of each other.
[8 of 10]

Speaking of bitchy women.. (hate mail to scificomicguy@gmail.com). this second issues of of Marvel Divas doesn't quite match up with the first due the rather downer story line. And in that, I found it to be a really wonderful story. Firestar (the one from the cartoon Spider-Man and his Amazing friends) has been diagnosed with breast cancer because she is not completely immune to her mutant microwave power as most mutants are. Dealing with this news takes on a very realist slant both from her point of view as well as the point of view of her friends. There is not a lot of moping, but there is a lot of living. Even when Pasty is offered a cure from Son of Satan (I'm guessing that was him (listen, I write this off the top of my head...research... phugh!)) she is not stupid enough to just jump at it and poof problem solved while her soul burns in hell. No, the ladies move on...Like heroes do. They know that sometimes there is a cost to what they are and what they do. These girls are awesome.
[10 of 10]


Well, the dead are still rising, and rising and rising. But our heroes are starting to catch on that something is very wrong. Such as when a dead and very bitter Aquaman resurfaces (pun intended), or when your friendly neighborhood green lantern (Hal Jordan) crashes into Gotham's most famous search light - the Bat Signal. But try as they might, nothing seems to be working to stop these bling wearing zombie heroes and villains.
There is still a lot more set up here and not too much meat, and that's okay. Geoff Johns likes the slow burn and it usually pays off in the end. Johns is keeping things very creepy...I'm still trying to get over the black lantern Sue and Ralph Dibny, they are just so wrong. There really isn't much more for me to say but, this is still great...so worth the wait...and I want more. Oh yeah, that young dark hair Aqua Lad in the red suit is a hottie...I'm just say'in.
[8 of 10]

Well, we open with Kyle and Guy drifting through space with a box of donuts on their way back to OA oblivious to the great upheaval transpiring around them. You know, think they would make better lovers than partners, but that's just me. Anyway, what should they encounter but the great swarm of black lantern rings spreading throughout the galaxy looking for {FLESH}. This particular swarm is heading for OA as well and in what is pretty much a retelling of events from of Blackest Night #1 (I think... there are so many of these books to keep track of) from Guy and Kyles perspectives . Because of this we don't get must of a forward push in the story. It's understandable, they want to keep the main reveals to the event book. This doesn't make the book bad, just don't go looking for anything new here...you'll be disappointed.
[7 of 10]

This should have been called "Blackest Night: Deadman" because it has much more to do with him than it does with Batman...but then no one would have bought the book. I would, but that's because I'm loving everything about Blackest night...but you know how it goes (you know who you are fanboys and girls). We do get see more of the new Batman and Robin in action and it is especially funny to see Damian (Robin) punching Dick (Batman) in the face while the possesed Dick is trying to drive the Batmobile to get Deadman out of his Batman's body.[Errr...yeah. What did I just say? Oh well, moving on.] But all in all I don't think this is going to have much of an impact on the major story line. But for the die hards like myself...it's worth picking up.
[6 of 10]

Conner Kent (Superboy) is back and just as much a cutie pie as ever. Why is he back and why should we care. I don't know and it doesn't matter. He is a cool character (the loveless clone child of Lex Luther and Clark Kent). And why is Superman in this book? Shouldn't he be on New Krypton? Or at least in Metropolis with Supergirl, Mon-El and Flamebird and Nightwing since they are all currently working together in the other Superbooks? Well, maybe this takes place just before or just after those events. It's definitely after the death of Batman because Tim is in the Red Robin outfit. Whatever. Like I said, it doesn't matter in the end. I liked this...though it was sort of missing any real [Super hero] plot. But again, this is Geoff (Blackest Night) Johns writing this too. Ha...there is a Blackest Night connection. I'll keep going with this as long as it starts going somewhere.
Oh, and the Legion of Superheroes back up was OK. I love that crazy Starman...who could resist?
[7 of 10]
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Heroscope: Sign - Red Lantern

Monday, July 27, 2009

[10 of 10]
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

So the war of light begins as the DC universe celebrates the lives of the dead superheros. How ironic is that? It would seem that as the various colored lanterns are preoccupied with fighting each other the Black Lanterns begin to spread unnoticed. This was a great start to the summer's big event. Much better than Flash Rebirth. It's creepy and violent and just eerily wrong. To see Sue and Ralph Dibney back was chilling to say the least. These two have been through so much it hurts to see them brought back like this. This book has the air of being a universe changing event. It feels as if things can never be the same after this...and that is what make this story so good (unlike Final Crisis). So far, this was worth the wait and buildup. The best part for me is that I really don't know where this is heading. I know there has been lots speculation about what will happen, but I don't know. I don't want to know until I reach that final page in the final issue. {RISE} {FLESH}
[10 of 10]

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Chew #2
Ewwww. What a nasty concept for such a fun book. But then that's the way with most indie book, now isn't it? Now, this book must be good as the 1st issue has sold out and is going for nearly $40 on Ebay. It is interesting and keeps you wanting to know what is going to happen next, but all in all I just don't see what's so special about it. Maybe it's just me. I'm not all about the gross out. (My god that was an awfully 80's thing to say.) I'll keep reading for now, but I'm hoping for something awesome to come of it...soon.
[6 of 10]

The Unwritten #3
Now, in my world this book is far more Worthy of praise. In this issue I don't have a clue as to what is going on and I'm loving it. There is something very strange about the world of Unwritten even as it feels like it is very much like our own. There is anticipation with each issue that something big is going to be revealed that will change the whole nature of the Unwritten universe and give us a peak into a strange and wonderful place. Now most times I would be jumping up and down wanting to know this secret, but I'm not. I want it to come to me slowly...and it is. There is the potential here for this to turn out to be a Golden Classic, or an Epic Failure. I have faith in the former.
[10 of 10]

Farscape: Strange Detractors #4
I am so loving these Farscape books even though this was the weakest issue of the lot. the art was just bad and the writing and story ending bordered on the ridiculous. In this issue Criton super sizes some of the single celled anti-viruses to battle the evil viruses...Yeah it is pretty lame. But you can't win them all and the first three issues were actually pretty good. Too bad it had to end this way. But all in all I love these character and can't wait for more!
[3 of 10]
Monday, July 13, 2009

Green Lantern #43
At last we finally get a glimpse into the world of the Black Lanterns. Though not a lot happens here we do find out just dark the Blackest Night is going to be as the Black Hand becomes the embodiment of the Black Corps. This may be a first as well in that a Green Lantern doesn't appear in the book except in flash backs. I'm all giddy to find out what happens next. This was great, if somewhat slow start to one of the most anticipated events in recent comic history.
[9 of 10]

Superman: World of New Krypton #5
I liked this, because it was what Superman is all about. He is a hero who will not be turned even in the face of his death. It is inspiring enough to affect Zod...ZOD! and is believable. I'm really liking this story and hope that there are some great surprise yet in store.
[8 of 10]

Batman #688
Dick. Dick Dick Dick. That's what this issue is all about...Dick! Dick trying to be sure of himself. Dick trying to fill the shoes of Bruce. Dick trying to instruct Damian in the ways of the Force...Bat force that is. It's good, but nothing really happens. We get to see the Penguin and Two Face. And from the 1st page we know that Dick gets the shit kicked out of him at some point. I'm still looking forward to what going to happen.
[7 of 10]
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fantastic Four #568
Where in continuity is this book taking place? It certainly doesn't appear to be in the current Marvel universe, which is a shame because the story here is actually better than the Dark Reign / Norman Osborn rules the world story eating up the rest of the Marvel Universe. And that makes it very hard to get invested in the FF. I don't want to care about what is happening if in the end it's not going to count...it never happened...this isn't the same FF as the 616 FF. It would be better if someone would just come out and say this.
[7 of 10]

Uncanny X-Men #512
This was pretty cool, all steam punk and like. Again I like the story here of Beast trying to find a way of reversing the events of M-Day, then the current Dark Reign snooze fest. It's always cool when the Dark Beast shows up. It was kind of crappy that the two Beasts didn't interact. All in All though I am not going to complain about this issue...it's far better than what's to come.
[7 of10]
Uncanny X-Men #513: Utopia Chapter 2
The Dark Reign story line is really ruining some of my favorite characters. Why would Emma act like this? I just don't see her joining up with Norman and ditching everything she has built for herself with the X-Men. And Cloak and Dagger being a part of this team make even less sense them Emma joining up and Leading. Namor? I don't care about Namor...I do think they set this up well enough that he would do this if Emma asked him and gave him a good reason. But that's not even the worst of the worst...Mystique agreeing to have nanobots injected into her so that Norman can control her? Yeah, I think not. I am not a hater...but this is stupid.
[2 of 10]
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
OLD NEWS: Ryan Reynolds is Green Lantern