Monday, June 20, 2011

Book Review: Robopocalypse

It's not often i find myself with a book I can't put down, in fact I usually find it all too easy to put a book down in favor of going on line or watching television or even just staring off into space.

But "Robopocalypse" was the exception to the rule and I'm not sure why...

The book starts out reading like a movie script (and how strange is it that Spielberg announced just a week after this book was published that he had bought the rights to and would direct this as a film).  Now, normally reading a script would turn me off right there - but it didn't and i found myself just going with it.

The scripting format really doen't let you get very close to the characters, but then in a book called "Robopocalypse" it's not the people i'm interested in.

In the end, the story digs deeper than I think the author really intended.  Some of the concepts that seem silly at first glance - such as the how the robots view themselves, take on a different light when you remember it is a human recounting the story for the Robots.

The book is a Creepy, fun quick read that is worth some your notice.  Take the time you won't regret it.

My Rating: [8.5 out of 10].

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