Oh Come on. What year was this supposed to be set in? Half the cast was still living in the 70's the other half the 60's. No one dressed like this in the 80's and Disco was already dead!! And can we rip off every movie ever made with a group of kids in it while never having actually watched any of those movies? Explores, ET, Close Encounters, Stand By Me, Goonies, flight of the navigator and weird science...what do you get when you rip all those movies apart and then cram them back together into a really long movie? (Not So)Super 8. Sappy, pridictable, flimsy cardboard cutout of what made other movies special. Sorry...but if it hadn't been that i wanted to know what the moster looked like I would have left. After seeing the monster (**Spoiler**) who is moved by the words "Bad things Happen, but you can live!" I wish I had walked out.
if you had lost the love of your life recently you would have looked at this movie differently....especially if you had young children. I hope it never happens to you....
I don't think so. Sorry, but I think this movie is just a bad rip off of everything that was good about movies in the 80's. But, I am sorry for your loss and glad that the movie made you feel better. After all, isn't that what we go to the movies for? :)
After just having watched the movie, my first thought was "sappy!"
So naturally, I Googled "Super 8 Sappy" and came across your post (among other similarly titled reviews: "Super 8 spot on, sappy and superb" - StalbertGazette.com
If you had lost the love of your life recently, you might look at a lot of things differently. I'm sure that in such a circumstance, you might have a bit more sentimentality towards everything; but this movie was still sappy.
All in all, it was a good hour and fifty minutes spent watching a movie. It was actually a decent film, though I might look at that differently if I'd paid $12 + snacks and drinks to go see it.
IMDB gives it a 7.4 (as of this writing) and I'd give it a solid 6.8 for the premise, a 10 for the casting, and a 9.2 for the special effects.
If I had to complain, it would be that there was limited interaction with the alien, for starters. We didn't get to see how things were getting put together. I'd liked to have seen some more of the "science" behind the oddly-shaped cubes and how they all go together, or perhaps how his "model" worked.
Okay, I'm done here. Thanks :)
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