Saturday, June 18, 2011

thunder...Thunder...THUNDER CAT.... Errr I mean Thor

OK, lets get it out of the way, I went to see Thor mostly because Thor is smoke'in hot...and I was not disappointed in this respect at all.  :)

That being said, I was happy to find that the movie turned out to be pretty good...Really good in fact.  Well acted and with the silliness being kept to the min.  And I must say hat's off to whoever decided that Thor should actually use his hammer in the same manner he uses it in the comics.  It made me smile and really isn't that all we ask?

To be honest, I really didn't have high hopes and so it is always nice when something exceeds your expectations.  This wasn't a game changer kind of's not "The Matrix" or "The Dark Knight" but it is a good romp.  Loki (my crush on James Avery holding firm) looks great with his giant horns.  And Asgard is just amazing.  Bad sets can kill a movie and good sets can create a classic (Just look at the original Dune; terrible script but awesome sets).

As for the 3D, well you really didn't need it.  The Movie would have held up without it and only the scenes in Asgard were worth the effort.

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