By Timothy Zahn

I had this book when I was a kid, and since I still act like a kid, I finally got around to actually reading it. It was long over due...but I just couldn't get myself to sit down with it and start reading it. I'm sorry to say I think my main problem was the size of the font in the paperback that I had. It was tiny, and I just can't read a book with tiny print. It's not there is anything wrong with my eyes, it just feels like I am on the same page forever and I'm not getting anywhere.
And then, modern science brought us the tablet PC and the E-Reader with the ability to make the font any size or shape or color you want. That was all I needed to finally sit down with this first book in the Thrawn Series...and I'm all the happier for it.

Enter Thrawn, a rather enjoyable supervillian, come to take the place of the now dead Empire and his side kick some guy named Darth Vader. But standing in his way is Luke Skywalker (even though Luke doesn't appear to realize that he is standing in the way).
But have no fear, all Luke's old friends are there (except for the one's that died in the movies), to help our Jedi (and his soon to be Jedi sister) survive the oncoming storm that is Thrawn.
The book is actually quite good and Zahn does a great job of reminding us why we love these characters. There is a little less adventure then I had thought there would be, but maybe there is more to come in the following books.
I'm putting reading the other books on hold for the moment because I want to go back and read the current series of books that have been released (Post Empire). I'm currently about half way through "Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor" which I'm loving and will have review of that when I'm finished.
Well, I can say I'm very happy to have finally been able to read these books. I'm finding it all well worth the effort.
My Rating: [8 out of 10]
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